It has been approx. 3 months since the launch and “soft opening” of the IT Student Help Desk at Mt. Hope High School! A cross between Apple’s “Genius Bar” and Best Buy’s “Geek Squad,” six students staff the desk, open 3+ hours of the school day and frequently after school. Trained by Bristol Warren Regional School District IT staff, Personal Computer Analyst Chris Csanadi and Intern, Ryan Laverdiee, help desk students demonstrate Mt. Hope High School’s Big 3 skills of Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Communication by consulting and collaborating with peers, educators, and staff, to solve real-world, authentic, technology related problems for our 1:1 Chromebook, GSuite for Education, learning community.
While not an “official” internship, students participating in this opportunity earn academic credit for their “work-study” learning:
50 hours of completed work = .5 credits
100 hours of completed work = 1.0 credits
Students demonstrate leadership and model effective usage of technology and digital citizenship for their teachers and peers, and are encouraged to explore their own interests on individual technology related projects. Students also leverage social media to share their knowledge and growtheir professional learning networks.
While not an “official” internship, students participating in this opportunity earn academic credit for their “work-study” learning:
50 hours of completed work = .5 credits
100 hours of completed work = 1.0 credits
Students demonstrate leadership and model effective usage of technology and digital citizenship for their teachers and peers, and are encouraged to explore their own interests on individual technology related projects. Students also leverage social media to share their knowledge and growtheir professional learning networks.
Follow Mt. Hope High School IT Student Help Desk on Twitter @hhshelpdesk
This blog post from 2018 showcases the positive impact of student-led IT support at Mt. Hope High School. It highlights the importance of fostering tech skills in students and their ability to help others. If you're seeking similar empowerment, "Do My Assignment" providers can assist students in Assignment Help. This aligns with the ethos of student-driven learning demonstrated in the blog.